Plain chocolate wafer with pieces grilled cocoa beans.
Therapy™ chocolate is rich in antioxidants naturally present in the cocoa bean.

Eight grams of Therapy™ chocolate per day cover 100% of the suggested daily intake of antioxidants – necessary to strengthen your natural defences.

While there are many fruits, vegetables, nuts and some prepared foods and drinks that contain polyphenols, none can equal the cocoa bean for the amount and variety of natural health-enhancing antioxidants. 

What effect has Therapy™ chocolate?

Research indicates that two hours after the consumption of Therapy™ chocolate our body starts to absorb the flavones. The intake of this high amount of flavonols helps to restore the balance between free radicals and antioxidants. Therapy™ chocolate may be consumed daily in order to achieve long-term health benefits. These chocolates contain more antioxidants than blueberries. The healing effect of this chocolate leads to protection of our cells and benefits our cardiovascular system. Please note, however, that Therapy™ chocolate is neither a “magic pill” nor an instant cure for any disease or health condition. It is a small – but important – part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle.


Trays in a box : 4
Tara: 0.25 kg

Chocolates in a box: 740 pc.


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